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State Of The University Population

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Alumni | Lancaster University

Between 2008 and 2019, there has been little variation in the population’s percentage between 30-34 years with higher education. Factors such as the economic crisis or the effects of the degree reform have impacted this result.

One of the factors that affect these statistics of the university population according to the automated library is the reduction in the birth rate that occurred since the eighties, which causes a reduction in the population in the ages of entering the university.

Another reason is that little by little, Vocational Training’s vision is improved and dignified. More and more young people who access intermediate and higher-level training cycles are better prepared for the labor market, with a more specialized preparation and a shorter time than a university degree. However, employability improves by 25% among university graduates.

It also influences the change in the duration of studies, from bachelor’s and diploma courses with a duration of 5 and 3 years respectively, to degrees with a duration of 4 years, when the decrease in enrollment began at the end of the 2011-2012 period, still, there were laggards from the old educational model.

Another factor for this drop in enrollment is the increase in fees in public universities and the reduction in the number of scholarships, all coupled with the fact that a percentage of young people of study age have left their studies and are looking for work or emigrate to improve the family’s economic situation.

Even so, having a university degree is synonymous with employability, improving expectations in terms of quality of life, and an enriching experience that will help you train to make better decisions in the future, and the skills that are developed at this stage make you more innovative, creative, confident and critical.

Undoubtedly one of the advantages is the professional contacts that remain from this stage; with adequate networking, you could create connections that help you get a job or get your business to go ahead.

However, it happens a lot that overqualified people have to occupy a lower category position, so in the end, there is a mismatch between supply and demand in terms of quality.

This phenomenon is seen in these difficult times where a percentage of graduate workers are working in positions significantly below their possibilities.

Statistics do not invalidate the need to complete studies or continue training during working life.

Finally, we must emphasize the importance of specialization for graduates’ professional training, especially in Postgraduate training that trains you to face and approach the world of work with a better focus and develop your management skills.

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